trust member jack finch launch summary

It was a night of firsts at Wolverhampton's The Emerald Club, as Wolves 1877 Trust marked its official launch. It was the first chance for many of the committee and former Fans' Parliament members to meet in person for the best part of 18 months, due to the pandemic. It was also a chance for new and prospective members to get their first insight into the formation and ambitions of the Trust.

Chairman Sam Payne welcomed everyone to the meeting and began by asking everyone to raise a glass to supporters lost during the pandemic. Sam introduced himself and fellow committee members, outlined the format of the meeting, and explained that the committee would welcome questions from members. 

Steering committee member Neil Dady then spoke, explaining how the Fans' Parliament had become less relevant in recent years, notably since the takeover of Wolves by Fosun. Neil explained that the Parliament had undergone many changes, at the request of Wolves and Laurie Dalrymple, but that ultimately Parliament members felt that it had had its day, and something new and refreshing was needed. Neil mentioned the ongoing review into football governance and suggested that it was an apt time to launch an independent supporters’ trust. He argued that issues such as VAR and the failed European Super League proved that supporter voices were more important than ever. 

After a short break, FSA Trust representative Ciaran Barker updated the room on the ongoing governance review by Tracey Crouch. Questions from the floor were then asked, with topics from Financial Fair Play, to attending matches under current Covid rules. 

Sam then chaired a question-and-answer session covering a range of topics raised by the attendees including the recent membership loyalty point debate, committee elections, face masks and trust consultation with the club.

The meeting concluded with mutual appreciation between committee, members and attendees.

In all, it was a positive meeting. The Trust is committed to being open and honest, and that was certainly the case at this launch meeting. No questions were evaded, and those who spoke for the trust did so with both clarity and passion. 


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wolves trust launch stream