Wolves 1877 Trust welcome fan led review report


Wolves 1877 Trust welcomes the Fan-led review (FLR) into football governance and urges all supporters to get behind it.

The review was announced in April 2021;at the timethe Football Supporters' Association raised four key questions: Does it put measures in place to better protect clubs from insolvency? Does it stop a future ESL breakaway? Does it embed supporter engagement into football's power structures? Does it redistribute football's wealth in a more sustainable manner?

Wolves 1877 Trust, in line with the FSA, believes that the FLR report offers an unprecedented opportunity to overhaul the power structures of the domestic game – giving fans a voice at the heart of football.

Summary of the final report’s recommendations:

  • Governance: an independent regulator for football (IREF) which has the necessary investigative and enforcement powers is needed to prevent the recurrence of such developments as the ESL.

  • Finance: football’s model is unsustainable with too many clubs making losses. Pre-emptive action is needed and a regulator will impose stronger financial controls.

  • Engagement: proposals to embed democratic supporter organisations and engagement within the heart of domestic football.

  • Heritage: football stadiums, club badges, location, colours and competitions all deserve special protections. Fans to have a veto on these assets at every club via a “golden share” which is held by a democratic, legally-constituted fan group. These protections confer many benefits of ownership without supporter groups being required to raise capital.

  • Reform: half of the FA Board should be made up of independent non-executive directors, to reduce elite club influence. The FLR also recommends reform of the FA Council.

  • Distribution: the removal of restrictions on FA spending meaning more money redirected towards grassroots, non-league and women’s football.

Wolves 1877 Trust will now continue to campaign for full implementation of the report’s findings.

We also call upon our club, Wolverhampton Wanderers, to be early adopters of the report’s recommendations.

Download a full copy of the report here - https://thefsa.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Football-Fan-led-Governance-Review.pdf


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