jody craddock attends trust meeting

The 'Wolves 1877 Trust' welcomed Jody Craddock, former Wolves, Sunderland and Cambridge player, and now Artist to their 'Open Meeting' at the Emerald Club this week.

Jody very kindly agreed to attend the meeting, and took a range of questions from the members present, answering about his time as a Footballer and now Artist. Jody showed 

some of his art works to the members, they had the opportunity to purchase some of his smaller works of Art after the meeting. It is truly amazing what Jody has now turned his hand too.

Jody told the members that 'I was always interested in art, even from a young age, some of the players at clubs asked me to do pieces for them, it has just progressed from there'.

The Meeting at the Emerald Club was open to all Wolves fans. Sam Payne, Chairman of the Trust, invited Jody during the meeting, to become the Honorary President of the recently formed Trust (May 2021), something that Jody was only too happy to support. This was a positive step, said Sam, getting the backing of a former player added weight to the Trusts standing.

The Members would like to thank Jody for agreeing to this, they look forward to meeting with him again next year.




Wolves 1877 Trust welcome fan led review report